miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017


Josh Weeks, nuestro asistente de conversación, propone un nuevo reto: un club de lectura en inglés. A continuación, os remito sus palabras. Leed lo que os dice y nos vemos en un próximo encuentro para hablar de libros. Atentos al blog porque publicaré la fecha próximamente.

Ahora sí, os dejo con las palabras de Josh:

Hi guys!
This weekend I read Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. It’s one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read, and I’d really like to talk to you about it. It’s about two farmers, George and Lennie, who are trying to save up money to buy their own farm. Whilst George is quite feisty and to the point, Lennie is a gentle, loving soul who is deemed by many to be “crazy”. George cares for Lennie as if he were a son, always trying to comfort him and help him through his difficulties. The tragedies they face together illustrate the lasting power of friendship, and those who seek to persecute them are symbols of human persecution.
I was thinking that during the break (“recreo”) on Wednesday we could discuss literature in general – why it’s important, what your favourite books are. It would be great to hear about your some of the books that you love. After all, some books are works of art, and can define us in more than we could ever imagine.

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